
  • Tempting or Tipping My Empty Head

    I was in Chico California this weekend. It is in Northern California. I have never been there. I have been around this area (Redding and Yuba City) but never Chico. I expected it to be a little cooler but it may not be Chico’s fault. 

    There was every size of camo wear – babies to  grownups but NOTHING for an outdoorsy dog!

    I worked the Northstate Sportsman Expo – basically a bells and whistles gun show. All things outdoor and camouflage. They had trouts and antlers. Retrievers and rifles. Paint ball and monster trucks.

    This is the first monster truck I have ever seen in person – thank you Chico for scarring this little girl and me for life

    There is so much more. And the venue is right next to a Speedway (which was hopping the night I arrived to set up my booth). My view of Chico is of a specific demographic. My hotel is situated across the street from a sprawling mall, a Walmart AND an Applebee’s with a Red Lobster a short block away.

    I advise that you DO NOT search this and watch the video – mark my words

    I saw a family with young children practice target shooting at a booth. I over heard the mom telling her son how to hold the gun correctly. The shooting gallery looked like a long blow up bouncy house. I saw metal art with pistols that stated WE DON’T CALL 911. There is also a booth dedicated to an item called the Deer Zipper. Intrigued? A special winter sweater for deers? Their motto is Skin Smarter Not Harder. Sigh…I ain’t in Davis is I?


    Like a Golden Oasis in the middle of this mall spotted town

    I pictured Chico to be a bike friendly beer drinking party college town. This still may be true – there were several Sierra Nevada Brewery (Chico is the home of this consistently wonderful micro-brew) kiosks at the event, but I don’t have time to search it out. I am tired and Lola is tired. We are both hungry once we wrap it up at 5pm.  The prospect of investigating the town while trying to rustle my furry little hussy by myself when I could be curled in the room at my hotel drinking free beer sounds SO MUCH less aggravating.

    I did discover an awesome public radio show here in Chico 90.1 KZFR. Check it out. I love it. They are streaming on the internets.

    This sums up blue and sad pretty well, don’t you think?

    My favorite traveling companion, David, has hit the road solo to Virginia. For various reasons. In the big picture I was not a priority in his future plans. We were not the team I thought we were. I am hurt and blue but we are friends and this is not a drama. It is a hump that I will get over. I will miss him. I love him very much. We had a really great time together. There that is.

    I will get better about going places on my own. He left this past Wednesday, so my first solo trip is a little wimpy. I am having a good time just not the usual adventure. Lola is having an ok time. These expos wear her out. I do this for work. I have a booth that I explain the mortgage loan process and gather leads for my boss, who is a mortgage loan broker. I like it. I enjoy chatting up the people and I am pretty good at talking about mortgage stuff. Plus I love going to new places.

    She is a little pooper trooper 

    Lola loves to go but all these people make her cranky. We stay at pet friendly places. That makes things less stressful. The event venues always allow her in. I bring special travel bowls and what not so she feels at home. She misses David. She is confused by all of this. It is always the kids that suffer ;)

    Esme is glad to finally get her side of the bed back…we all know how our cat children view things don’t we?

     Tonight the hotel is filled with preteen kids and their parents (who are also enjoying the free beer and wine that the hotel offers). I think there is some sport thing with out of town teams and buses in the parking lot. These kids are screaming in the pool after dark, hogging all the happy hour snacks and running up and down the halls banging on doors. Yes, I was the cranky old lady that called the front desk and ratted them out!

    Hope this finds you all well, my xanga buddies. 

    Now that I got rid of my old ball and chain ;) maybe I’ll have more time to blog!




  • I Can See 2013 Ahead and It Looks Good!

    Happy almost new year xanga crew!

    I remain optimistic about the new year every year. Even years that felt bleaker then what turned out to be.

    I guess seeing the bright side helps turn that tide.

    I like the bright side.

    The sunny side of the street.

    The good in people.

    The joy of hugs and dog kisses.

    Some times that is the stuff that pushes me past the crazy hard stuff.

    I feel especially excited about 2013 because 2012 is ending on such a happy note.

    Good work, great friends, true love. Faithful dog companion.

    I could not ask for anything more…but I will…because I get all human like that.

    As I think of my friends I see that as this year ends, they are all in a healthier place then they may have expected when this year began or played out. It took everyone a lot of hard work, tenacity and sometimes amazing courage to get here. I don’t know if they are happy but I do know I am very very proud of my pals. All the good stuff they have they earned. Happiness takes as much work as sadness. And anger. And depression. All exhausting, sometimes unimaginably cruel to our poor insides, and happiness, when we at least effort towards it, has the biggest rewards.


    We have to be brave enough to choose that. Depression is a big deal, it is not often a choice. My pals that have waded through and above severe depression, whether clinically diagnosed or due to tragedy – they are my heroes. When life does not feel worth living and you do it any way…the fortitude and strength this takes is shocking. I am in awe of these people. I know how hard they work and struggle to just get out of bed some days.

    Cheers I say! Cheers to you, my xanga pals. Cheers to our friends and family that have done the work this year. Gotten through what ever it was they had to. Hug them and tell them you love them.

    Pet your faithful pets heads. Tell the people you love that you love them. Say it. Or write it. Or text it. I don’t care how you do it. Just do it.I

    I am proud of you all. 

    Another magical year awaits us.

    I am glad you are with me as we get there.


    God Bless and Love you!




  • What Christmas is all About!


    Warmest wishes to you all.



  • Merry Christmas!

    Have a cool yule, xanga kids!

    (This is an original card created for me by my pal Ben Wu)

  • Blog Date

    Maybe I should set a blogging date.

    Make sure that I meet up here on a certain day, week or time of month to blog.

    Monthly? Biweekly?

    I know it it something I need to do – writing (typing :/) is good for me.

    A blog date.

    Plus, it keeps me up to date with the haps around these hallowed halls. I tried to visit everyone the other evening. I love doing that. Seeing how everyone here at xanga is doing. I have been hanging around here for a long while (since Jan 2001 I think). I like to keep up to date on what and how you folks are doing.

    I finally fixed my antique bed. I found longer rails so that my mattress and box spring now fit. Since the bed was not put together, my whole bedroom was a mess. Like a work in progress. I have a new dresser that matches the bed – so that was a mess. Things were a shamble.

    Once I found the longer side rails (CHEAP!!!!) I finally had the wherewithall to clean my room!

    The place I live is kind of a dumpy older place. But the back yard is what sold me when I moved. Rentals in Davis are expensive. I left an adorable one bedroom apartment in downtown for a roomier two bedroom duplex in S Davis with a great back yard. Tons of privacy and bamboo. I have had some great parties back there. 

    So, the place is still dinky but…well furnished. I have tons of art work. I actually have to store and rotate my art because I have so much and not enough wall space to hang it all. And, I am always finding more great stuff. I did not need a bed, I had a cool old antique metal hospital bed – but the one I got (I think it is called an Emperor bed) is gorgeous. The bed and dresser were a great deal. There is always something out there waiting for me to find it and add to my collection!!!

    So, my bedroom is finally pulled together. Art is hung, jewelry and such is organized. While I am not a hoarder, I do have a bunch of stuff. But it is cool stuff! I swear.

    I am finally having a weekend where I do not feel like I have to do ten thousand things. I think I finally caught up with all my chores. Now, I have to get ready for the holidays. Or at least think about getting ready for the holidays.

    David may be out of town – so do I get a tree or not get a tree?

    The band I help book has a couple of shows in San Francisco, I will try to make it out to those.

    So ya know…blah blah blah…if I keep showing up I will eventually have something worth while to blog about, right?


  • All Work and No Play




    Out for cocktails with my gal pal from the gallery last night. Turns out she is a new mom since I last saw her and wow! It was great to catch up.

    Work is full of working. Lots and lots of working.

    Time with friends is intermittent but always wonderful.

    The pets are good.

    The boyfriend is still my boyfriend so far.

    My son is wonderful. More handsome then ever.

    Went out to see Mortified again, in Berkeley. Check it out: http://www.getmortified.com/ A great time wandering around Berkeley and a wonderful live performance. If you can, I recommend checking this out.

    I am reading lots of books because I am not drinking lots of booze. It had to happen some time.

    I have gained a ton of weight so I MUST buy new clothes!

    I am making a plan to go to Italy next year.

    Middle aged is interesting.

    My life has no drama whatsoever.



    Work is full of working so I do not get as many adventures as usual.

    Time with friends is intermittent.

    I am reading lots of books because I am not drinking lots of booze. This correlates with work – I cannot do this much math and still drink that much booze. It had to happen sometime.

    My boyfriend is still my boyfriend. So far. I think the seventeen year age difference is finally sinking in. I’ll be sad if he breaks up with me but I am sure we would still be friends. He is a wonderful human being.

    I have gained a ton of weight.

    My daughter is still not talking to me. (Going on two years – that girl can hold a grudge or what ever it is she is holding)

    Middle aged is interesting.

    My life has no drama whatsoever ;)

    Note to self: Must blog more often…


  • The Grumpies

    Is it the heat? Is it the (meno) pause (I should do a fund raiser “Cause for Pause” – I would raise booze money for us hormonally challenged ladies)? Is it working so much? Out and about so much?

    I am grumpy this last while. No fun for any one at my house. 

    Only I am not this adorable and drop the F bomb quite a bit…

    Miss Grumpy Pants stomping around bitching and moaning.

    Boo on that, right?

    Poor family.

    Today I get a quiet day at home. I have chores to attend to. Fortunately or unfortunately, techinical difficulties keep me from a project I am excited about.

    We bought a beautiful antique bed and dresser off of craigslist. Every problem you can think of interfered with us getting the furniture home (mercury is retrograde but I want this damn bed!). First, the bed was in Willow Glen, near San Jose. One hundred and forty four miles away one way.The woman I bought it from is from North Carolina. She has the genuine accent. She told me the bed has been in her family for years. She has two small boys and figures they would never want this set so she is selling it. Lucky me!

    Antique bed from North Carolina

    Second – the head board is too big for my Volvo. I could not believe it. Nearly six feet tall and too wide to slide in and just bungie the hatch down. Third, I was only interested in the bed BUT I arrived at their place and saw the dresser, it was too amazing and such a great price (as was the bed) – I HAD to get it. It matched the bed. The room would have been lonely without it.

    Once I saw it in person I HAD to have it (those are marble tops and it is all dove tail construction)

    So, the bed and dresser are so grogeous I am over driving to San Jose twice, right? Trying to get rent/borrow a vehicle or apparatas to bring the furniture home was one snafu after another. Friend with a truck had vehicle issues. We had to order special custom items for the electrical on my Volvo to tow a trailer (a week out to get). There was a fire in the area and the rental pick up trucks were unavailable. The cost of a rental van was astronomical with the milage (.69 cents a mile and it is 144 miles each each way), rental and gas. ACK!

    So, we bought tie downs and strapped the damn thing to the roof rack on the Volvo. Loaded the dresser in the car.

    Wait, there is more. It took hours to tie the damn thing down but we made it home with out mishap. (A couple of stops to check the tie downs)

    This was Thursday night. We have not had a chance to check it out til Saturday. This is our one full day together. Our plan is to put together the bed (store the old bed) and clean and re-arrange the bedroom (we are adding that dresser too).

    We need to do some minor repair on the headboard. It is old and has been stored in their garage for awhile. Just minor glue and clamping to resecure the dove tailing of the joints. The bed is really well made and obviously well taken care of. David does that while I am wood cleaning and oiling the rest of the wood pieces.

    We put it together and attempt to put int the box spring. Not happening. We try different angles. No go. We measure the bed and the box spring. About an inch difference. What in the heck? 

    We check out box spring and mattresses on line to check the size of a full or double bed. The typical size is 75 inches. Our bed is 73 and just about a quarter. Our box spring is 74 inches.

    NO WAY!

    But it is true. No way is this box spring going to fit in  this bed.

    So, we try to mattress. The mattress does fit. I had my mattress and box spring in a 1920′s metal hospital bed before. I thought for sure it would fit fine. Note to everyone: when buying antique – MEASURE to be sure.

    This came up in the search: Figuring Stuff Out – BINGO!

    So my brain is percolating. I think of a couple of plans to get over this deal.

    First things first – some slats and plywood for the bed to hold the mattress securely with out sagging or shuffling in the frame until we figure out the box spring sitch.

    So today, after we slept on the floor next to the beautiful bed, Lo and I went to Ace and picked up those items. The guy in the Mill area works without a fan! What is that? AND no cold beer. Time to get another job, right? He was very helpful, though.

    GOT WOOD? At Ace with my able pawed assistant, Lola

    Home. Time to unload stuff and make the bed sleepable…


    Old Blue can be so annoying at times...

    The rear hatch won’t open on the car. It is one hundred and three degrees out. Too dang hot to argue with my car. The hatch can be persnickety at times. I gave it five minutes but now I am inside with cold beer. Maybe David can help me with that tonight when he gets off work…

    Comedy of errors? I am not laughing ;)

    I have a long range plan for the bed. But it may be pricey so it may take time…

    In other news – my bird buddy Mr. Bill passed away either Friday night or Saturday morning. He will be missed.


    Both of my rag-a-muffin pets are getting groomed on Monday. I have the most wonderful mobile groomer who takes care of my spastic neurotic pets. I will post pictures of their after make overs.

    AND next week (Thursday July 26) is my birfday!



    And just like that I will be fifty one.

    David is taking me to B. Bryan Preserve in Point Arena. It is a breeding and preserve for endangered African animals. We will stay in a cottage on the grounds, tour the animals (they have about one hundred acres with different breeds of zebras, antelopes – hoofstock). The town is on the coast and near Fort Bragg and I get to bring Lola.

    It will be a wonderful birthday. I will take loads of pictures. Of course.


    Ok. That covers it.


    ps: got the plywood out of the car. Mattress is placed. Phase one of operation antique bed of unique sizing is under way.

  • The Month of June is Gone with the Wind!

    Our June has been very busy with friends and family. Visits and road trips.

    David’s friend, Koit, from Virginia visited us here in Davis for about two weeks. We took him all kinds of places while he was here.

    A weekend up in Placerville was on our list. I had to work at the El Dorado County Fair in Placerville. Sitting in for my boss on one of the days. I answered questions regarding home loans and the new HARP 2 program that is now available for those folks who are upside down on their mortgages (owe more then the house is worth at the moment). We all went up the hill and stayed at a B&B for the night. The same place I stayed when we were waiting for Juniper to be born. Of course they remembered me!

    I visited with my grand daughter the morning before we went to the fair. 



    She is growing so fast and speaking so well. It is wonderful to see her. She is so busy and smart. Her other grandparents are wonderful. I appreciate them so much. Love you guys!

    I was at a table indoors all day. It was hotter then the hubs of hell! The guys hung around the fair for a bit then left for better entertainment.


    We brought Lola (I got her in by telling them she is a service dog!) and the Seal Show!

    I saw old friends and my ex husband. (we are on fine terms – it has been years since he was a pain in my ass!)

    On Sunday, David had to work so Koit and I did a mini road trip to Napa for the day. We took the back country roads from Davis. I took him by the YOLO air port,  past Lake Berryesa and the new damn. 

    It was a pleasant drive and mild temp day. We found a place to eat first thing when we got into the sleepy town of Napa.

     Great late lunch and the best iced tea ever! Graces Table – check it out (everythng is made on site, even the pickles!!) !

    We strolled around and looked at the old buildings. Of course Lola came along for the ride.


    The first place is the Migliavacca Mansion (a registered historical building) then an old cool corner office building and this last picture is the Uptown Theater

    Napa is small but very clean and tidy.

    The next weekend we left Friday after work to spend two days in Monterey.

    We got a late start but traffic was light because of it. We arrived after nine at night to a cozy little house in the town of Felton. Located in the Santa Cruz mountains about 9 miles from Monterey. We were welcomed by two huge black labs. Not a menacing bone in their bodies. They jumped and greeted us and wanted to get to know Lola asap!

    We did not hang around for long the next morning, breakfast needed to be eaten and we heard there was a really good flea market  in town on Saturday morning. We had an amazing breakfast at the Oak Tree Ristorante then headed to the flea market. It was a great flea market. The next one is July 21st, I think we will try to go!

    Time to head to Monterey. We had passes to the aquariam included in our lodging cost for the night. Bigger bonus was the line to get in was at least down the block. We entered through the express member entry. Koit bought his ticket there with no waiting. SCORE!


    The Monterey Aquariam

    We spent the next three and a half hours checking out the aquariam. It was David and Koit’s first time there. I had been there but they had installed a special Jellies Experience and a new Sea Horse viewing area. We sat in for a shark lecture. Very informative and funny. 

    The aquariam was packed but it was worth it.

    We wandered around the boardwalk a little then we unpacked at the next hotel in downtown Monterey. Very classy old place. We loved our room with a big window on the street.


    We settled in then walked to the Old Wharf area for dinner. We did chowder and oysters. We had the ocean view from our table. David and I wandered the downtown area by our hotel later that night.

    The next day, after brunch at the Mucky Duck   (apparently a secret breakfast stop, everywhere else has a half an hour wait, we got right in and they had a terrific brunch menu!) we planned to drive south on highway one to site see. This part of the coast is the most spectacular in my opinion. Very ruggeed cliffs with sweeping ocean views. The 17 mile scenic drive through Carmel with beaches and vista points to stop and take in. I promised to stop at every vista point and I did!


    Koit and I were taking tons and tons of pictures. He and Lola got to stick their feet/paws in the Pacific Ocean for the first time (in California, he has traveled to Asia,and has put his feet in the Pacific on that side of the world)

    We get going south on Hwy One, driving through Big Sur and stopping for the gorgeous scenery.


    Lola is just a fabulous little traveler. Look at the cute picture of my boyfriend ;) Oh yea, and the scenery, too!


    Koit taking photos of the sea and mailboxes with a view

    What a whirl wind coastal weekend! We saw lots of sea! I was finally asked to stop stopping. We all were ready to go home!

    My friend, Bridgette, is just back from five months in India. She came and celebrated her birthday with us. We have had a house full these past couple of weeks.

    Koit is back home and suffering the power outages that are sweeping the country at the moment. His power has been out since Friday, I think. It is still out…Sheesh…

    July is starting off a litle quieter but I doubt that it will stay that way.

    How are you all, xanglians? This is my birthday month, I hope you are all commencing with the celebrating stat!




  • Fourth of July Full Moon Pie

    Lola and I wandered around tonight beneath that beautiful full moon being the Luna-tics that we are.

    I was so inspired by her face I had to whip out my big lens ;) !

    She was a howler.

    Have a wonderful Fourth, if you celebrate our America birthday.

    As War Weasel would say 

    Beer BBQ and Blowin’ Stuff UP!

  • Too Many Characters For My Pulse!

    After my long night at the hospital, then early morning the next day in court, I thought I would be going to bed early last night.

    No way…

    Dance Party at my house last night with my friend Bridgette. She is JUST back from her trip to India! She and her friend came over for dinner. After some adult beverages it was a DANCE PARTY! So much fun. I love that girl. She is just turning 23 and has traveled the world many times over. She inspires me as much as my pal here, Mel!

    TGIF! We are heading to Santa Cruz then to Monterey for the weekend after work today. Sight seeing with David’s friend, Koit!
    Tonight we have a place in the Santa Cruz mountains, then tomorrow night we will be staying here (we are for sure going to the aquariam!):

    Of course Lola is going and we will take LOTS of pictures.

    David’s friend is visiting us for two weeks from Virginia. He is lovely. I want to keep him!

    This week has been filled with low lows and good stuff. We have to keep expecting the unexpected!