Month: December 2012

  • I Can See 2013 Ahead and It Looks Good!

    Happy almost new year xanga crew!

    I remain optimistic about the new year every year. Even years that felt bleaker then what turned out to be.

    I guess seeing the bright side helps turn that tide.

    I like the bright side.

    The sunny side of the street.

    The good in people.

    The joy of hugs and dog kisses.

    Some times that is the stuff that pushes me past the crazy hard stuff.

    I feel especially excited about 2013 because 2012 is ending on such a happy note.

    Good work, great friends, true love. Faithful dog companion.

    I could not ask for anything more…but I will…because I get all human like that.

    As I think of my friends I see that as this year ends, they are all in a healthier place then they may have expected when this year began or played out. It took everyone a lot of hard work, tenacity and sometimes amazing courage to get here. I don’t know if they are happy but I do know I am very very proud of my pals. All the good stuff they have they earned. Happiness takes as much work as sadness. And anger. And depression. All exhausting, sometimes unimaginably cruel to our poor insides, and happiness, when we at least effort towards it, has the biggest rewards.


    We have to be brave enough to choose that. Depression is a big deal, it is not often a choice. My pals that have waded through and above severe depression, whether clinically diagnosed or due to tragedy – they are my heroes. When life does not feel worth living and you do it any way…the fortitude and strength this takes is shocking. I am in awe of these people. I know how hard they work and struggle to just get out of bed some days.

    Cheers I say! Cheers to you, my xanga pals. Cheers to our friends and family that have done the work this year. Gotten through what ever it was they had to. Hug them and tell them you love them.

    Pet your faithful pets heads. Tell the people you love that you love them. Say it. Or write it. Or text it. I don’t care how you do it. Just do it.I

    I am proud of you all. 

    Another magical year awaits us.

    I am glad you are with me as we get there.


    God Bless and Love you!




  • What Christmas is all About!


    Warmest wishes to you all.



  • Merry Christmas!

    Have a cool yule, xanga kids!

    (This is an original card created for me by my pal Ben Wu)